Q: Someone told me my phone is going to be out of date next year. Is this true, and can you explain why? A: It’s true that cellphones more
Reflecting on 45 years at AAA-Lynn Kellogg-12/13/21
“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends – the old and the new.” “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing
Help is Available When COVID Comes Knocking at your Door-Pat Arter-12/04/21
A couple weeks ago, COVID-19 came to our house. I have to say we were a little shocked, but at the same time it felt inevitable. My husband is
This month, take time to thank caregivers-11/6/21-Lynn Kellogg
In the last week, I have hosted a dinner for a friend and her husband with Alzheimer’s disease, talked to a contractor about his sister with mobility
Be a Light to the Homebound and Isolated-10/23/21-Pat Arter
‘What do you want to do tonight?” It’s that dreaded question that makes some people shake in their shoes. Oh, the possibilities! Do we want to go
What’s it like living with dementia? Eight people will tell you Thursday-10/16/21-Christine Vanlandingham
Even amid a pandemic, dementia is a top health fear of Americans, second only to cancer, according to a study published in May by the Centers for
Questions on Social Security disability income, benefits-Sara Duris-10/9/21
Q: Why are some people able to get Social Security income earlier than others? A: Generally, Social Security benefits are paid to eligible workers,
Fall 2021 RIV AAA Newsletter
Hello from all us of at Area Agency on Aging. What a beautiful Michigan Fall! We hope you are enjoying all the apples, beautiful leaves and as much
Worker Shortage has a Multitude of Probable Causes-Lynn Kellogg-10/2/21
Where did all the workers go? From lower wage earners to top talent, it feels like everyone is scrambling to find help. It seems there’s a perfect