By the time you read this, National Grandparents’ Day is a week behind us. This year, I almost missed it. I have many reasons to love the holiday.
Fall Prevention Resources-Online and In-Person
Falling is not a normal part of aging. Yet falls remain a leading cause of injury for people 65 and older. Falls threaten older adults’ safety and
Help Available During Medicare Open Enrollment-Sara Duris-9/4/21
Q: What is a “Medicare Annual Notice of Change,” and why is it important? A: Usually in September every year, those with Medicare Advantage Plans
Historical Perspective on Vaccines in America-Lynn Kellogg-8/21/21
History gives such perspective. During a recent stay at a family cottage on the tip of the thumb of Michigan, it was easy to slip back two centuries
Kinship Caregiver Program is Here to Help-Pat Arter-8/14/21
In the U.S., almost 8 million children live in grand-families, where grandparents or other relatives are the householders. And of those, 40 percent
Community Services Director
Reacting to what life throws at you-Christine Vanlandingham-8/7/21
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” A quote from one of my favorite authors and a theme prevalent in two conversations I
Area Agency on Aging Wins National Innovation Award
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 26, 2021 CONTACT: Christine Vanlandingham269-983-0177
Where to Find Food Assistance-7/24/21-Sara Duris
The Region IV Area Agency on Aging receives many inquiries about food availability. Here are some resources for those needing food and those seeking