In the 1950s and 60s, it seemed cigarettes were everywhere. Restaurants, stores, homes; smoke was so common you never even noticed the smell or
Resources to consider during National Family Caregivers Month – Lynn Kellogg -November 10, 2019
At the recent 45th anniversary celebration of the Area Agency on Aging there was laughter and fun, and many things to think about. One moment seemed
Two days in the surgery waiting room – November 3, 2019 – Pat Arter
My husband recently had surgery (he’s doing great.). He was three days, two nights in the hospital, which is not an entirely new experience for us.
‘You people on the west side of the state are so nice!’ – Christine Vanlandingham – October 28, 2019
Sitting by a campfire with friends last weekend, we observed a group of what looked to be 18- or 19-year-olds at a nearby campsite attempting to build
Inpatient care, observation services and how they relate to Medicare – Sara Duris – October 19
Q: What inpatient hospital care does Medicare cover? Part A covers medically necessary inpatient hospital care, which is care that you
Iceland provides example of interconnected world – Lynn Kellogg – October 12, 2019
Mitch Albom, an internationally renowned and best-selling author among other credits, is coming to Benton Harbor through the Southwest
Never forget’: 18 years after 9/11, sentiment still rings true for so many – September 29, 2019 – Pat Arter
Its been a couple of weeks now, but the 18th anniversary of 9/11 is still weighing heavily on me. First, how can it have been eighteen years ago? For
Take stock this fall, and rightsize your life – Christine Vanlandingham – September 22, 2019
It’s been said that Fall is nature’s way of showing us how beautiful letting go can be. I like that. Autumn is a wonderful opportunity to explore
The Real ID deadline is coming; here’s what you need to know – Sara Duris – September 15, 2019
What are the changes taking place with air travel security? I have heard everyone will have to have a passport even to take a flight inside the