A Realistic Long Term Care Choice

Region IV Area Agency on Aging offers adults of any age the option of receiving long term care in the home and community instead of a nursing home or other long term care facility.
The Care Management program offers an in-home assessment and connection to an array of home and community-based services to assist older adults and younger persons with disabilities to live in the setting of their choice. It can also help people transition back into the community from an assisted living facility, nursing home, or after a hospital stay.
A helping hand is here:
Care Managers are nurses and social workers who can help you sort through your options and arrange for needed care to help you or your loved live at home or in another setting of preference. Care Managers are well-versed in local services that provide help to adults such as transportation, meals on wheels, help with bathing, cleaning, cooking, or laundry. Our goal is to provide information and unbiased professional advice so each adult can make an informed decision. We serve adults of all ages and all income levels.
How it works:
Each person receives an in-depth interview with an unbiased professional to discuss their personal needs and wishes. Care Managers offer information and choices for each adult to accept or decline. For those in need of Care Management, a nurse and social worker team perform an assessment of their health, environmental (home safety), emotional, and social conditions.
Your Care Management team will provide you with a plan of care. This plan may include services such as meals, personal care, and relief for families. Most services are delivered in the home, however valuable supports exist in the community such as adult day services, congregate meals or out-of-home care. Care Managers help you to consider all available options. You can accept or refuse all or any part of the plan.
Once services are accepted by you or your loved one, the Nurse and Social Worker can arrange the services, checking in with you regularly to ensure that you are satisfied with the care and to see what other needs you have. Care Managers can also re-evaluate the situation and make adjustments as needed.
Payment for Care Management services may be handled in a number of ways including:
- Community Programs
- Cost Sharing
- Government Subsidized Care
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Private Insurance
- Private Pay
The Care Management team will help you to determine how you or your loved one will pay for the services or help seek out other funding if you do not have the ability to pay for all needed care. You may be asked to pay for all or part of the cost based on your financial ability.
For more information on the Care Management program contact us at (800) 654-2810 or by email at: info@areaagencyonaging.org .