We need class leaders …
Volunteer class leaders play a critical role in helping Region IV Area Agency on Aging fulfill its mission of Offering Choices for Independent Lives.
High caliber training is provided to allow volunteers to have meaningful impact in the lives of those they teach. The volunteer training session is a one-time commitment, with the request that, once trained, volunteers will facilitate at least one workshop a year.
Interested volunteers should sign up here or call 269-983-7058.

Volunteer leaders courses are offered in:
PATH (Personal Action Toward Health) is an evidence-based program developed and tested by Stanford University. The program helps people learn techniques and strategies for the day-to-day management of chronic or long-term health conditions. To learn more about this program, visit the Campus for Creative Aging website. For more information on becoming a PATH trainer, call (269) 982-7759.
Savvy Caregiver® (formerly known as the Creating Confident Caregivers program) is an evidence-based program designed to equip caregivers with the tools and strategies they need to provide effective care for clients and preserve their own well-being. To learn more about this program, visit the Campus for Creative Aging website. For more information on becoming a Savvy Caregiver® trainer, call (269) 982-7746.
Matter of Balance is an evidence-based program developed at the Roybal Center at Boston University and has been nationally recognized. The program is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. To learn more about this program, visit the Campus for Creative Aging website. For more information on becoming a Matter of Balance trainer, call (269) 982-7759.
To learn more about how you can make a difference in the lives of seniors and younger persons with disabilities through being a volunteer class leader, call the instructors listed above or the Info-Line for Aging and Disability at (800) 654-2810.