Generations of shared knowledge
The Computer Learning Center at the Campus for Creative Aging is an all-volunteer computer learning center for people age 50 and older. Our volunteers come from the private and public sectors. They are people of all ages, from business people and teachers to homemakers. They come to share their expertise, to make a contribution to the community, to meet new people and be part of the team, or to learn new skills. The reasons for volunteering are as varied as the people who volunteer. What is certain is that each volunteer will make a positive contribution to the success of our Computer Learning Center.
Volunteers are asked to make a commitment of from two weeks to two months at a time (the length of the selected course session). Interested volunteers should sign up here or call 269-983-7058.

Volunteer Positions
- Presents the material in the course outline and helps students master it.
- Is patient and good at communicating ideas
- Is well-organized and well-prepared, and is able to explain how to accomplish tasks on the computer
- Has a basic understanding of how to use a computer and a willingness to become familiar with the software and programs being taught
- Is comfortable speaking in front of a small group of students
- Has taken the “Introduction to Computers” course
- Assists the instructor during classes
- Assist students with computer tasks and helps slower students keep up with the rest of the class
- Sees that lab etiquette is followed
- Is patient and enjoys helping others learn
- Has taken the “Introduction to Computers” course
Lab Assistant
- Assists students during open lab hours
- Sees that lab procedures are followed
- Is patient and enjoys working with people
- Has taken the “Introduction to Computers” course