We can help you find answers.

Who will care for me when I can longer care for myself? Are my parents safe at home?
Helping individuals find answers to these and many other aging and disability-related questions is the specialty of Custom Care professionals. Whether you’re planning for your own care or caring for aging parents, we can provide you with the unbiased answers and resources you need – you don’t have to do it alone. We’ll put our over 50 years of experience to work for you and your loved one.
From simple consultation to service arrangement and consolidated billing, to full assessment and management of care, we stand ready to meet your individual needs with unbiased professional assistance and expertise.
Custom Care is a fee-based care service that can bypass the wait times and limitations of subsidized programs to provide prompt, private consultation and service. To discover how a Custom Care professional can assist you and your family, call (800) 654-2810 or email info@areaagencyonaging.org.
Do I need a geriatric care manager?
Professional geriatric care management is a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing ongoing health challenges. Working with families, geriatric care manager expertise provides the answers at a time of uncertainty. Their guidance leads families to the actions and decisions that ensure quality care and an optimal quality of life, thus reducing worry, stress and time off of work for family caregivers through:
- Assessment and care plan/service monitoring
- Planning and problem-solving
- Education and advocacy
- Family caregiver coaching