Info Line to Remain Open
Info Line Will Remain Open Connecting People to Resources
St. Joseph, Michigan – As Region IV Area Agency on Aging (AAA) continues to help those seeking critical services, we also are committed to diligence in preventing spread and risk associated with COVID-19. Today, March 19, 2020, we will be closing the Creative Campus on Aging located at 2920 Lakeview Avenue, and our main offices located at 2900 Lakeview Avenue, both in St. Joseph, MI, to all visitors.
The Area Agency on Aging Info-Line will remain open and fully staffed with Aging and Disability experts ready to answer questions and connect people to resources. We ask anyone in need of aging and disability services begin by calling our info-line at (800) 654-2810 for guidance and assistance. We are here to assist you. Please watch our social media pages and website for more information. https://areaagencyonaging.org