Area Agency on Aging offers many home-based care options.

The great majority of Americans say they hope to live independently in their own homes as they age. We hope one of these options serves you and/or your loved one. For questions, call the Info-Line at 800-654-2810.
MI Choice
It’s your life. Where you receive supports and services should be your choice. The MI Choice (pronounced My Choice) Waiver program is designed specifically for low-income adults age 18 and older who need nursing home level of care but prefer not to live in a nursing home.
Care Management
Region IV Area Agency on Aging offers adults of any age the option of receiving long term care in the home and community instead of a nursing home or other long term care facility.
Integrated Care at Home
Integrated Care at Home services are available to individuals aged 18 and older with a disability or chronic health conditions who would benefit from receiving their care and services in their home. This home-based medical care program is designed to lessen emergency room visits and hospitalizations, and bring health to where it happens – home. Now offering Behavioral Health Counseling, Nutrition Counseling and Primary Care.
Custom Care
Custom Care is a fee-based care service that can bypass the wait times and limitations of subsidized programs to provide prompt, private consultation and service.
Community Transition Services
The Community Transition Services Program is for people who reside in a nursing home and want to talk with someone about other living options. Whether you have been in a nursing home for a few months or a few years, if you are interested in moving out of the nursing home, we are here to help.