Looking for a way to make a difference in your community?
Join forces with hundreds of other people in Southwest Michigan who give of their time, talent and energy to improve the lives of seniors and younger persons with disabilities. Whether you have just a few hours a month, 20 hours a week or even 40 hours a week, you can make a significant difference in our community by volunteering through the Area Agency on Aging. Training is provided. Check out the volunteer opportunities listed below. To get involved, complete the online form, or call 269-983-7058.
Friendly Caller for Isolated Seniors
This program is designed to fight against isolation. Volunteers have ongoing, weekly calls with clients to provide companionship. Born out of the COVID-19 pandemic, Area Agency on Aging launched the Friendly Caller Program for area seniors who needed someone to talk to. During these calls you will provide reassurance, help connect seniors to information regarding services they may need, and mostly, make sure they are not feeling lonely or isolated. This program can use any volunteer. We will train. Background check required.
Sign up here or call 269-983-7058.
Senior Companions
Senior Companions are volunteers who spend 15 to 20 hours each week giving one-on-one attention to adults having difficulty with daily living tasks. Senior Companions provide the assistance many older adults and people with disabilities may need in order to live independently. A Senior Companion may go along to help with grocery shopping or for a walk. They may spend time helping to write a letter, prepare a meal or pay a bill. Senior Companions make the lives of those they serve less lonely by offering simple friendship and a helping hand. This program is grant funded and offers a stipend to the volunteer who is over 55 and at a certain income. This does not affect any state aid.
Friendly Helper
Similar to Senior Companions, a Friendly Helper may assist someone with daily tasks. This could include lawn mowing or transportation, depending on the volunteerâs specific interest. This program can use any volunteer.
Sign up here or call 269-983-7058.
Foster Grandparents
Foster Grandparents spend 15 to 20 hours each week giving one-on-one attention to children with exceptional needs. Volunteers may rock babies, color with pre-schoolers, listen to school-age children read, or assist teenage parents with completing school successfully. In all cases, the relationship that grows between the Foster Grandparent and the child makes a tremendous difference in the lives of both. This program is grant funded and offers a stipend to the volunteer who is over 55 and at a certain income. This does not affect any state aid.
Medicare/Medicaid Counselors
SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) (formally MMAP) is a free, unbiased, volunteer-staffed service which assists people who have problems or questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Supplemental Insurance, Medicare Part D enrollment, Long-Term Care Insurance and related issues. MMAP is seeking volunteers who enjoy meeting and working with other people, who love a challenge, are familiar with computers and the internet, and are interested in helping other people in their area. Volunteers are specially trained to educate and empower Medicare beneficiaries with a variety of questions, including plan options, billing errors, fraud and more. This program requires in-depth training.
Sign up here or call 269-983-7058.
Computer Learning Center Teachers/Coaches
The Campus for Creative Aging is the home of the all-volunteer Computer Learning Center for people age 50 and older. The Center teaches skills like Excel, photo storage, MyChart, iPhones, and more. Our volunteers come from the private and public sectors. They are business people, teachers, and homemakers. They come to share their expertise, to make a contribution to the community, to meet new people and be part of the team, or to learn new skills. This program can use any volunteer.
Class Leaders
Volunteer class leaders play a critical role in helping Region IV Area Agency on Aging and Campus for Creative Aging fulfill its mission of Offering Choices for Independent Lives. High caliber training is provided to allow volunteers to have meaningful impact in the lives of those they teach. The volunteer training session is a one-time commitment, with the request that, once trained, volunteers will facilitate at least one workshop a year.